Our local little free library!

While I love writing stories, I also love reading them! (Spoiler: I read a lot more books than I write.) And, as an indie author, I know just how important reviews can be. So while I’ve been reviewing books on Goodreads and Amazon for some time, I decided to take it up a notch. I’m so beyond grateful to the book bloggers that have been kind enough to take the time to read and review my books, so I decided to start my own little review blog to pay it forward a little!

Update 10/10/22: Currently accepting review requests for **Audiobooks & Picture Books** only!

I would like to mention that I’m not as fast of a reader as I used to be now that I juggle a full time job, my reserve job, my two kids, and my own writing goals. I usually manage only about 50 books a year, so I will be very selective of which review requests I accept. I try to keep my TBR very short, because backlogs have a tendency to stress me out, so if I don’t respond, 9/10 times, it’s probably because my list is already full for the next month.

Genres I read

I’m widget-challenged, but my full BookSirens profile is here.

I read all over the place: Upper-MG, YA, NA, Adult, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Dystopian, Mystery, Action/Adventure, Romance, etc. Traditionally published, indie authors, etc.

I do usually read shorter and faster-paced books as a general preference, and a side of romance is always a big plus. If you have something that can comp to a K-drama, I will probably devour it. Violence, language, and spice don’t really bother me, as long as it’s not distracting from the rest of the plot. Even if it’s not listed here, feel free to try your luck!

Things I don’t read: Nonfiction (unless it’s a kid’s book), Poetry, Religious Fiction, Erotica, Ebooks over 100K (ish) words or audiobooks over 20 hours.

Formats I accept

Audiobook offers will get preference, since that’s probably about 85% of what I consume these days. I also will happily accept .mobi and .epub files. I could probably swing a .pdf file, but that’s not my usual preference

Where I review

I normally review on Amazon & Goodreads, but I will now also be posting the review on my little review blog thing! If I really like a book, I will also gush about it on Twitter. However, I can definitely try to crosspost to other places on request.

What my reviews look like

As part of my posts, I will include a picture of the cover, an abbreviated version of the blurb from Goodreads/Amazon, and then my reviews focus almost entirely on my (or my kids’) reaction to the book. I try to keep my reviews mostly positive, but also mention the things that don’t quite work me if I give it less than five stars. You can check out my Goodreads profile if you’d like to skim a few. Four stars is my most common rating, but I also give out half stars.

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 SIX STARS. LOVED IT! (these are extremely rare)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The book was fantastic & I highly recommend!
⭐⭐⭐⭐ There were a few things that didn’t work for me, but I enjoyed it.
⭐⭐⭐ I wasn’t a huge fan of this book, but others might enjoy it.

I do not post two stars or fewer, as I usually don’t finish books I’m not enjoying. However, I will provide feedback to the author if they request it.

If my children (7yo & 5yo) listen to it or read it with me, I will also ask them for their opinions and communicate them like so:

😍 They liked it a whole lot.
🙂 They liked it some.
😕 They didn’t like it.

How to request a review

Tula Belle with a reviewed book!

Send me an email here: tulabellereviews (at) gmail (dot) com with “Review Request : Your Title” as the subject. In case you’re curious, Tula Belle is my lovely pupper assistant. 😂

Please include your Amazon/Goodreads links if you have them and a timeline if you have one. Like I said above, due to time constraints, I do plan to be extremely selective about which review requests I accept, so if you don’t hear back from me in two days, that’s probably a pass.

Thanks so much for reading through my review policy, and I can’t wait to hear about all of your amazing books!
